Mystery Blogger Award


I was nominated for the Mystery Blogger Award by Amazing God Stories. Thank you, Linda! I am honored to receive this, my second award, from such a talented and inspiring author who took the time to visit and read my blog. 

Okoto Enigma is the creator of the Mystery Blogger Award.
“[This] award [is] for amazing bloggers with ingenious posts. Their blog not only captivates; it inspires and motivates. They are one of the best out there, and they deserve every recognition they get. This award is also for bloggers who find fun and inspiration in blogging, and they do it with so much love and passion.


  1. Put the award logo/image on your blog
  2. List the rules.
  3. Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  4. Mention the creator of the award and provide a link as well
  5. Tell your readers 3 things about yourself
  6. You have to nominate 10 – 20 people
  7. Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog
  8. Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; with one weird or funny question (specify)
  9. Share a link to your best post(s)

-Now on to what you really want to read…

Three Things About Me

  1. As you may or may not have read in my ABOUT page, the only gift I acknowledge and thank God for is Creative Arts. As a minister of the Gospel of Jesus Christ, I have also written and preached quite a few “creative” sermons. This, along with my wife’s encouragement, has prompted me to write about one of my greatest passions, lighthouses. But, till this day I do not consider myself a writer. I still struggle when people praise my writing. So, I give God ALL the glory and accept that He can use that also to bless and encourage others.  
  2. My mom prayed for a boy and a girl, but God gave her only one child, me. So, she taught me how to sew, crochet, cook, iron, clean (no, I mean really clean!), fold my clothes (military style), gardening and last but not least, she taught me to fear God. The reason I am here today is without a doubt because of her example and her prayers! 
  3. I am not sure how familiar you are with Marvel’s superheroes and villains, but my kids swear I look like Thanos. So, to prove it they sent my photo to a few friends. They all agree! LOL 

My 5 Questions to Answer:

  1. Why did you start your blog?Becuase of my wife. She has been my greatest inspiration and encouragement. Since I am a lighthouse aficionado I decided to write a couple of devotions based on my love for these sentinels of the sea. My first few posts catapult me into an incredible journey of researching lighthouse facts, stories, and visiting as many lighthouses as possible. This is what has given life to Lighthouse Devotions.
  2. What is your best achievement in blogging?When I reached 52 devotions. This is what encouraged me to edit my best posts and prepare them to publish a Weekly Devotions book in the near future. 
  3. What has been the craziest things you have done while traveling? – I dared to drive up a one-vehicle wide two-way treacherous road up a mountain to get to a lighthouse on top of a bluff. (Once we got to the foot of the bluff my wife decided not to climb because the path was too luscious and dark!) >:-(  
  4. If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be? – I would add 3-4 more inches to my height. (NO, I do not have a height complex, I’m 5’6″. It’s just that pants and shirts would be easier to come by!) 
  5. My weird question:  jello or pudding?  Jello. Preferably with fruit in it.

My Nominees:

The Word Detective 


The Silver Lining

Simply Spoken

Kathleen’s Faith Walk

Resting In His Shadows

For Your Creative Soul

Courageous Christian Father

His Perfect Timing

Defying Shadows

Live 4 Him

Five Questions for My Nominees:

  1. What/Who inspired/encouraged you to start blogging?
  2. Who do you consider to be a spiritual mentor and why?
  3. What is the farthest you have traveled away from home?
  4. If you are asked to choose 5 words to describe your entire life on your tombstone what would they be?
  5. My weird question:  Toilet paper orientation, over or under?

My Best Posts

  1. This is actually my favorite post – Surrounded, But Not Overtaken
  2. This is my most visited post –  The Hidden Lighthouse
  3. This is the post with most comments – Good Connection, Poor Reception