
Wow! This is my first Blogger award since I started blogging over a year ago. Thanks to Hisperfecttiming for nominating me!


  •  Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
  • Write a post to show your award.
  • Give a brief story of how your blog started blogging.
  • Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  • Select 15 other bloggers you want to give this award to.  Comment on each blog and let them know you have nominated them and provide the link to the post you created.
  • You can use the image above to post on your blog.

About my Blog

Lighthouse Devotions was birth as a result of my love and attraction for what I consider are the best representatives of a Christian, lighthouses. As a minister, I have written and preached many sermons and Bible studies. But it wasn’t until my precious wife, Maribel, turned to me one day (April 2016) and said, “You are such a good writer, why don’t you write Christian devotions?” that I considered starting a blog. But, write? Me? That is not my gift. My gift (to God all the glory) has been creative design, not writing. Well, maybe it’s just like writing a sermon I thought. Besides, I would most likely write about lighthouses since that is a subject that I am also very familiar with.
It’s been over a year and now Lighthouse Devotions have blessed people from all over the world! They have even been used in Prison Ministries and High School Bulletin boards.  To God all the glory!


This award requires that I provide two pieces of advice to new bloggers. The truth is that as a fairly new blogger I am still learning and seeking advice myself. But here are a couple of things I’ve learned since I began my blogging journey.

  1. If you have truly considered blogging, first pray. Ask the Holy Spirit to search your heart and reveal the true reason why you want to blog. Motive is paramount when desiring to do anything for God. Our gifts should bring glory and honor to God and not to ourselves. Today, people are bombarded with information (images and words) from every angle. Blogging should not only give people something to read but to think about. To be challenged and encouraged. Therefore, it must be guided by the light of God’s word and a genuine desire to glorify Him and bless the reader.
  2. If you love to write you have overcome the first hurdle. If not, don’t worry you will soon find yourself typing your fingers away,  especially if your inspiration comes from above! However, keep in mind that blogging will take time. So don’t feel the need to write something daily, unless of course, it is short and to the point or you can spare a couple of hours without neglecting priorities. Take time to be inspired, to write, and to edit your work. Then read it and edit it again, and again if necessary. If you are not an English major or recognize that you need help with grammar (like me), there are a few low-cost online editors. I use Grammarly. 😉  Bless and be blessed, bloggers!


This award also requires that I nominate 15 bloggers for the award. Here are my nominees. I encourage you to visit their site and allow God to use their talent to minister to your life.

  1. Courageous Christian Father –  Steve was the first blogger who ever mentioned and linked my blog on his site. His encouraging words and support have been a blessing to me. Stever writes and shares some pretty awesome posts about the Christian life in general.
  2. The Word Detective – One of my favorite blog sites. Mel rightly divides the word of truth in all of his posts. I have used a few of his thoughts as springboards for my sermons. You will definitely enjoy his style (writing and blog presentation). A true Word detective!
  3. Matthew Cailes Online – Christology at its finest. Matthew is a talented writer who puts practical and biblical issues into perspective. He extends an invitation to salvation in every one of his posts!
  4. Switchbacks – Karen is a very inspiring and excellent writer. Her blog is filled with life experiences that minister to almost every area of our lives.
  5. Kathleen’s Faith Walk – Kathleen loves the Lord and loves people. In her own words, Kathleen, “delights in sharing the Good News of Jesus Christ with those who are needy and searching for truth.” She shares many of her experiences in this wonderful blog.
  6. Wisdom fron a Father – Joe speaks from the heart and God uses him to speak to yours. You’ll find some powerful personal stories and bible applications that will strengthen your walk with Christ.
  7. Resting In His Shadows – April’s blog is dedicated to encourage, inspire and support those affected by cancer. Her spiritual insight and life experiences have sincerely touched and ministered to my life.
  8. Th3platform –  What I like the most about this blogger is that he frequently writes about relevant social issues from a Biblical worldview. He is an avid supporter of conservatism and our blessed country!
  9. Simplyspokn – Personal and reflective words of faith and of life in general.
  10. Shout for Joy – Freya is a talented and thought-provoking writer. In her own words, “This blog is for people who want to stop and think, sometimes, and are willing to spend a few minutes listening to what a young woman who loves Jesus has to say.”
  11. Defying Shadows – Wonderfully written practical posts dealing with mental health and other challenging life issues. A truly encouraging and spiritually refreshing blog.
  12. The Silver Lining – “Angela’s little attic” is a well-written, creative, and inspiring blog site with wonderfully illustrated personal and biblical thoughts that serve as good food for the soul.
  13. Hope and Joy in Christ – Tiffany is a home-schooling mom who has very practical and Bible-centered advice for wives, mothers, and women in general.
  14. Live By The Word – Pastor Richard’s blog is filled with timely messages. He offers simple yet profound exegetical commentaries on various Bible topics.
  15. For Your Creative Soul – Christina “ChrisiEvie” is a talented musician whose creativity goes beyond her music and into her blog posts. Refreshing, challenging, and at times convicting, they are definitely a good read.