Tell Your Story

“Lighthouses are not just stone, brick, metal, and glass. There’s a human story at every lighthouse; that’s the story I want to tell.” – Elinor Dewire.

One of the things I have discovered as I look back at most of my blog posts is that every lighthouse has a story to tell. Not all of them will have an extraordinary life-saving tale. Some will just recount how they were engineered or even re-engineered as a result of a calamity. Nevertheless, they can all boast about the fact that they were built because they had/have a very important job to do.

You may not have an extraordinary life story to share either, but I am sure you can tell of how you’ve endured (or are enduring) some very difficult times. And I also know for a fact that you too were created on purpose with a purpose and plan to fulfill. Regardless of how you may feel or have felt in the past, you ARE important and you have a story to tell!

The featured quote by Elinor Dewire stirred my heart to encourage you to set apart some time to write your life story, especially about the times you have overcome a very difficult situation with faith and perseverance. Then, I want you to consider publishing it online to share with the world. Like a lighthouse, I guarantee that your testimony will be a ray of hope for someone who is navigating through the dark and stormy seas of life. Don’t ever underestimate how God can use you. Your troubles and joys are part of God’s plan for you and can very well be part of His plan for someone else as well.

For some of you, this will come as a confirmation. For others, I hope and pray it serves as an inspiration to awaken your muse. So, stop procrastinating and start writing. Tell your story! I can’t wait to read about how God is helping you through this life’s journey.

By the way, I also want to encourage you to check out Jackie’s Journaling Journey. Jackie is a beloved sister in Christ who has allowed God to use her life stories to bless so many across the globe!

Prayer: Heavenly Father, I thank you for my life, all of it. In spite of the troubles and the many challenges I have faced (and will face), You remain forever faithful. I believe that my life has a purpose and that your plan for me includes being a light in a spiritually dark world. So, use my life story as a beacon to help guide others to your saving arms. Amen.

“Oh give thanks to the Lord; call upon his name; make known his deeds among the peoples!” – 1 Chronicle 16:8 

“So everyone who acknowledges me before men, I also will acknowledge before my Father who is in heaven…” – Matthew 10:32 

“Return to your home, and declare how much God has done for you...” – Luke 8:39 

9 Reasons to Start A Blog
How To Start Blogging

4 thoughts on “Tell Your Story

  1. Dear Joe,

    I told you about a TV programme in the UK on lighthouses, but you couldn’t view it in the US. Second series just starting in the UK. But there is also a book, which my wife gave me last Christmas. I have checked and it is on Amazon in the US.

    Book is ’Seashaken Houses – A Lighthouse History from Eddystone to Fastnet.’ Author is Tom Nancollas.

    With regard to this post I have been doing just that – at God’s prompting to tell my story, working from my old deck cadet’s journals that I had to keep during my first two trips to sea from October 1973-August 1974. Looking back it is incredible to see God’s hand on my life in so many different ways, starting even at Heathrow Airport when I was flying out to Sweden to join my first ship. Published over on my son’s blog at Ebs and Flows.

    Kind regards,



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      • Not yet in book format unfortunately Joe. I am nearly to the end of typing up my second journal. Using those journals I have posted blogs, starting on 29 April 2021 (very much a lockdown project) with ‘Not Alone’ ( The master document is now up to 30,000 words with just a month left to type up from my second ship. Not proof read yet, but happy to share the Word document with you once I get the second ship finished. Thereafter I have no journals, but I do have all the letters I wrote to my wife which will provide some detail to top up the memories. I have my old sight books so I pretty much know where I was and when.

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