Even if just one!

Many of my devotions include architectural details and/or historical accounts of the lighthouses that inspired them. Others have no factual background, just pondering thoughts that came to my heart as a result of the image I came across. The one above is one of those. I have no clue whatsoever where this lighthouse is located, but when I saw it I immediately thought about how that stationary boat represents a testimony to the lighthouse that a life was safely brought to shore because it never stopped shining.

Almost every lighthouse ever built has a life-saving story behind it. After all, that is precisely why they were made. However, I am sure that not all of them will have their stories recounted. You see, there are lighthouses that have become very popular because of their design, location, and history. Others, have fallen into oblivion. Perhaps also because of their location or lack of history. Yet, even those stood strong at one time and provided a ray of hope to mariners lost at sea, even if just one!

Round the Island Race 2021: The course in detail - Yachting Monthly

Every true follower of Jesus Christ has been given His light to shine and to show the way to those who are lost in the dark seas of sin and despair. Like lighthouses, some have been placed in strategic locations (areas of ministry) where they can reach multitudes. As a result, they have become prominent luminaries nationally and internationally. Hundreds, if not thousands, of people, have testified on how they have guided them towards safe harbor (salvation). Others have just quietly modeled the compassion, generosity, and kindness of Jesus in their hometowns and workplaces. They may never be recognized by the masses, but rest assured that their lives have made a difference for eternity in the lives of some around them, even if just one!

As a lighthouse for God, you may or may never know how many people you have guided in the right direction. Your job is not to keep track of that anyway. Just keep shining at all times. After all, it was Jesus who said that you are the light of the world and that if you live as such, others will come to know and give glory to God.

“You are the light of the world.”

Matthew 5:14

“Let your light shine before others, so that they may see your good works and give glory to your Father who is in heaven.”

Matthew 5:16

I believe, however, that as we continue to stand firm against the waves of adversity in this life and keep shining for God, He will not only sustain us, but also encourage us by allowing us to witness (see or hear) how our lives have helped others find their way out of darkness, even if just one!

Perhaps you can also relate to that one boat above. If someone has helped you find your way when you were lost in doubt, fear, or hopelessness, and you have not reached out to thank them yet, take a minute to do so now. Maybe you are that “even if just one” that will encourage them in the midst of their storm.

4 thoughts on “Even if just one!

  1. When I was at the lowest point of my life, I was presented with the gift of Jesus. Thank you for sharing Him with me and then sharing your life by becoming my husband. You have changed my life for the better in so many ways. I’m so grateful to God for you. I love you.

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  2. I recognise one – Needles off the Isle of Wight. Not sure why there are so many sailing boats and an RNLI lifeboat there when the photograph was taken. A regatta perhaps?

    One of the UK TV channels has put a documentary together on the stories behind some of our lighthouses. Season one was very interesting. Not sure if you can view it in the US but here is the link if you want to try. It was interesting for me to learn about lighthouses I have used for navigation when I was in the Merchant Navy.


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