This Little Light of…His


I came across this rather interesting lighthouse which was appropriately named Twisted Upright House. It was one of the 30+ effigies that got consumed by fire at a Burning Man’s  event in Nevada’s Black Rock Desert back in 2012. Like all the other structures that are part of this annual pyro art ritual, this non-operational lighthouse was carefully engineered and constructed out of wood. They even managed to decorate the top portion of it with real stained glass panels. The light that you see, however, is not part of the lighthouse. It is actually the moon! Photographer Leasha pop6Hooker managed to creatively capture (at the right time/angle) a full moon as it rose and shone right through the tower’s lens room. An incredible shot indeed. After its completion, the structure was ignited and it eventually collapsed after burning for a few hours. Although that is the whole idea behind this event that attracts thousands every year, I don’t think I would have enjoyed watching that amazing piece of art being destroyed on purpose, especially since it was a lighthouse!

Like the temporary Twisted Upright House, we too are here for just a short amount of time. The Bible says that while our inner self is being renewed each day, our outward self is being wasted away (2 Corinthians 4:16). We do not know the day nor the hour when we will cease functioning as lighthouses for God here on earth, but until then, and regardless of how young or old we may be, we are to reflect the glorious light of Christ in this dark and also temporary world. Not only by witnessing to others, but most importantly, by living a life in obedience to God’s Word. We must commit to doing as that old traditional hymn suggests,

This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of mine I’m gonna let it shine,
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

I must confess that I have become overly critical about the songs we sing at church today, especially the contemporary ones. So the last time I heard someone singing this old time classic I couldn’t help but to analyze it as well. Theologically speaking, the light that we are encouraged to shine (in this song) is really not our own. Jesus did say that we are the light of the world, but we must understand that He is the exclusive source of that poplight and that the only way we can be light is if He lives in our hearts. Otherwise, we will end up like those pagans who believe that our “inner light” is the reflection of good deeds, happy thoughts, and good intentions. All of which are nothing more than “filthy rags” according to Scriptures (Isaiah 64:6). The only light that can guide people out of the darkness of sin is the (guiding) light of Christ. The only light that can save people from eternal damnation is the (saving) light of Christ. And the only light that will continue to shine forevermore is the (eternal) light of Christ. So, the next time you find yourself singing along to This Little Light it’s OK if you change it a little. 

This little light of His in me I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of His in me I’m gonna let it shine.
This little light of His in me I’m gonna let it shine,
let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

The Twisted Upright House may have stood tall and strong for just a short time before its demise, but the light that shone through it on that hot desert night can still be seen all over the world today!


Likewise, the glorious light of Christ will continue to shine brightly long after we are gone. And prayerfully, our legacy will testify of its power far beyond our neighborhoods and our churches.

Prayer: This little light of Yours Lord, I want to let it shine. Let it shine so that anyone and everyone who sees me will see You. Let it shine where it is needed the most and not just in church or among other believers. And let it shine so that others will be encouraged to do the same. In your precious name, I pray, Amen. 

Burning Lighthouse photo courtesy of
Other images from Google search images. No copyright info available.

7 thoughts on “This Little Light of…His

  1. Pingback: Even The Broken Can Shine! – Lighthouse Devotions by JR

  2. Pingback: Exterior Illumination | Inspired by my love for lighthouses

  3. Oh wow I don’t think o could have watched it burn either.. Yes, we are here for a short time. After judgement day everything will be engolfed and the earth will be purified with fire. Until then we must shine His light, which will continue to shine brighter and brighter as the world grows darker and darker. His light can never be put out either! God bless!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Oh my friend, I liked this!! You also chose one of my favorite traditional hymns! I too was surprised that they chose to burn this fine work of art! We are Gods work of art and I’m so glad you shared this, we must shine Him who has shined on us!!! Love Jesus always!

    Liked by 1 person

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