Standing Alone


Whether at the top of a hill, at the edge of a headland, or on a rocky island in the middle of the sea, a lighthouse is built to stand tall and weather all climatological challenges. It can do this simply because its designer knows exactly what it will come against. It is built to stand alone, but to stand strong.

Have you ever had to stand alone in any given situation? How did it feel? Were you scared, angry, or resentful? Regardless of how you felt one thing is for sure, you had to be determined. Standing alone takes a lot of courage, especially when those you expect to stand alongside you either bail out at the last minute or were never with you in the first place. Many have had to stand alone only to realize that the path to where conviction prevails is much rougher than expected. They may have started the journey with the support of many or maybe just a few, but in the end, they found themselves standing alone. The important thing, however, is that they stood because most likely it means that they endured rejection, ridicule, or even persecution.

In spite of his age, his brother’s rebuke, the seemingly unsuitable weaponry, the lack of comrade support, and the mockery of his enemy, David was determined to overcome all obstacles and stand alone against the mighty Goliath. He stood because what he had set out to do was driven by the trust, the love, and the devotion he had for the One who called him to that very task. The result? He triumphed!

Because we live in a world that has become increasingly hostile to biblical and moral values, there will be times when we will be faced with the decision to stand alone or surrender to following the crowd; to obey God or succumb to the pressures of those who oppose us simply because of our godly stance. This may include family members and even “best” friends. However, like David, we must be determined to follow God’s plan and purpose for our lives no matter the nature or source of our opposition. And, like a lighthouse, we must stand strong knowing that we can endure all resistance because the One who called us to stand knows exactly what we will come against. Remember that “the one who stands firm to the end will be saved (triumph).” (Matthew 24:13)

Prayer:  Almighty God, when I am confronted with temptation help me to honor you. When I face troubles help me to trust you. When I am asked to compromise help me to obey you. Though I may have to stand alone I will stand. For you have set my feet on solid ground so that I may stand strong in times of adversity and opposition. Fill me with your Holy Spirit and strengthen my resolve to stand. In Jesus’ name, I pray, amen. 

Read 1 Samuel Chpt. 17

“Be on your guard; stand firm in the faith; be courageous; be strong.” (1 Corinthians 16:13)

Stand firm, and you will win life.” (Luke 21:19)

“Therefore, my dear brothers and sisters, stand firm. Let nothing move you. Always give yourselves fully to the work of the Lord, because you know that your labor in the Lord is not in vain.” (1 Corinthians 15:58)

3 thoughts on “Standing Alone

  1. I love this devotional. Depression can cause someone to feel that they are standing alone sometimes. The pressures of the world can cause us to feel the weight of worry. This battle can cause us to either stay defeated or push forward in victory and those who push forward do grow stronger and learn how to handle other storms that may come. I am so grateful that you have stood with me through trials and major decisions, through my battles with depression and anxiety. I am so grateful to God that in the midst of all life threw our way you have stood by me. When I realized the love of God and His goodness, I am so grateful. Grateful for His mercy and that He sent me you. I have never felt like I stood alone because you have always been by my side, holding me up sometimes, but usually keeping me steady. Love you sweetheart. So proud of your insightful, heartwarming and inspirational Lighthouse devotions.

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  2. Amen Pastor Joe. I know now that God had a perfect purpose for all the years that I had to stand and face the storms in my life alone. God made me stronger each time. I didn’t see it then but I see it now. God prepared me in my loneliness so that I can be good company for others that need a little help going through their storms.
    You write very beautifully 🙂

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